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Natalie Correll

Bottled vs Bottle Free!

Updated: Apr 16

It has been estimated that the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. Is this a good enough reason to expect employers to maintain high standards for the work environment to ensure the well-being, and good health of their employees? Of course it is!.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 7% of adults don’t drink ANY water, 36% drink only one to three glasses and 35% drink four to six glasses as opposed to the widely recommended 8 large glasses a day. One of the biggest reasons is having no easy access to clean & healthy water while at work!

Why is Having Easy Access to Clean Water at Work Important?

It's Essential for Good Health

Water makes up 60-70% of the human body and is needed to help maintain a healthy weight, flush toxins from the body, contributes to regular bowel function, optimal muscle performance, and clear, youthful-looking skin.

Water increases productivity.

Over the years, many people have hypothesized that cognitive abilities and dehydration might be linked. A 2014 study showed that people could suffer from altered cognitive function, as a result of even mild dehydration. You know that well-known sluggish feeling that often kicks in between 1-3pm in the afternoon? If employees have access to purified water enabling them to stay hydrated, the afternoon slump can be prevented and significantly help them to stay focused on work.

A water dispenser for your office helps people take fewer sick days.

Numerous outbreaks of viral and parasitic diseases have a waterborne origin. In fact, 35% of all gastrointestinal illness are attributable to the consumption of sub-standard drinking water. Therefore, with little effort in the form of installing a water purification system in your office, you can prevent workers from catching these types of waterborne illnesses.

So, now we know WHY, let's take a look at the WHAT. You’ve probably seen the most commonly found office water dispenser, the famous Bottled Water Cooler. Let's take a closer look.

Bottled water dispensers are devices that cool and dispense water with 19-22 liter units (around five US gallons). Most of them have a refrigerating mechanism; additionally, some of them can provide hot water as well. They only require an electrical connection, which makes it very useful for different kinds of office spaces.

A bottled water filtration system for the office has numerous advantages, such as:

Affordable installation – it can be a lifesaver for very small start-ups or businesses operating on a limited budget.

Mobility – these drinking water systems for the office provide an independent water source. Since it is electrically powered, you can easily move them around the room.

Visibility – some offices need a commercial water filtration system that anyone entering the space can use. Whenever you have customers and clients visiting your office, they will clearly see the device.

You should also consider the following inconveniences associated with bottled water coolers:

Requires storage space – most likely, you will need to store multiple water jugs at a time. So, your premises should be able to fit many bulky containers. Some offices simply can’t afford to lose square footage for such things.

Inconvenient replacement process – if you want to change an empty bottle, you will need to lift a new 42lb bottle back on there and have to repeat this process multiple times a week. Injuries caused by replacing lifting heavy items make up a large percentage of work-related injuries and compensation claims.

Poor environmental impact – this type of commercial water filtration system uses up a lot of plastic bottles. Even though they are reusable, they will need to be thrown out at some point for health and safety reasons.

High expenses in the long run – you can’t purchase a bottled cooler and forget about it. Those water bottle deliveries don't come cheap.

Sanitation/Cleaning - Bottled water jugs provide the perfect breeding conditions for viruses and bacteria. Not a lot of water bottle delivery companies will tell you this, but they actually advise that their bottled water coolers should be cleaned out every 6 weeks with a bleach solution to avoid bacteria growth in the components. Do you know who is responsible for that in your office or have you seen anyone actually doing it? No? Me neither.

At Refresh Pure Water we prefer a more sanitary and efficient way of doing things so we only use bottle-free point-of-use water purification systems which remove 99.9% of bacteria and viruses producing the purest, cleanest ice, hot water, room temperature or cold water you can drink at the touch of a button.

Our systems attach to your existing water line with a special fitting called a “T” fitting which can be done without any permanent modifications to your fixtures and without shutting off the water to the building or office. Then the water is filtered using more advanced technology than even bottled water plants use, but on a smaller scale right there in the machine.

The main benefits of this type of system are:

The quality of the water - this is without a doubt, the cleanest and purest water you can have, and with 99.99% of all contaminants removed, significantly better for your overall health.

Improves taste - In addition to having safer to drink and contaminant-free water, it also tastes better.

It is relatively inexpensive - Free to install and then just one low monthly payment. We often find that we save our customers money vs the traditional bottle deliveries.

Easily maintained - You can significantly cut down on maintenance expenses and as we operate exclusively in and around Northern California we can have a member of our team with you within 48 hours.

Compact device - It doesn’t take up a lot of space, we have freestanding or countertop units to suit all spaces.

Environmental Benefits - not only does it eliminate the need for plastic bottles and reduce the level of plastic waste, but also the need for regular deliveries of heavy bottles, reducing your carbon footprint.

In addition to the health & environmental benefits of our bottle-free office purification systems, we now also offer a full range of contactless products to cater to provide your customers, guests and employees an additional layer of protection by eliminating surface contact for the convenient dispensing of both hot and cold water.

Some drawbacks may manifest in the following ways:

Limited to a single spot - for larger offices, more than one dispenser may be required.

Regular Filter Maintenance - We will need to check and replace filters every three to 12 months. If the tap is heavily used, which is expected in an office, stick to the lower minimum requirement.

However, we believe the benefits of our water systems speak for themselves and we are so confident that you will love our water purification systems we offer a no obligation 7-Day-Free-Trial. We don’t even need a credit card, just tell us where to put it and then try it out for 7 days. If after the trial you decide you don’t want this awesome water, we will come and collect our machine, free of charge…..what do you have to lose?!

To learn more, or to browse through the different types of purification systems we offer then visit our website. If you need help deciding then simply get in touch via our website form or call us at 888-669-1685 and one of our consultants will help you make the right choice.

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